Food Network has made cooking fashionable even for men. It is like a lesson and entertainment in one and there is something for everyone. My husband, for whom cooking is more of a spectator sport loves to watch and often calls me to tell me what shows and recipes to look up (remind me to tell you why I would never make a recipe he gave me without looking it up.) The following is a collection of our favorite foodies and observations.
Rachael Ray is one of my favorites, although I am worried that she may be approaching over exposure ( fate that overcame FN's Emeril LaGasse). She is perky and her 30 Minute Meals is a blessing to working women everywhere. The premise of her show is that in the time you could go to KFC, you can make a real meal from scratch. I use her recipes all the time and they always turn out.
Fairly new to FN, this show is very good with great ideas, focused on easy foods that are great for casual entertaining. This is another one of my husband's favorites.
Alton Brown and Good Eats is my husbands absolute favorite. He is a nerdy guy who gives you the science behind cooking well, but you are as much entertained as educated. I sometimes get a bit frustrated because when I am looking for a good recipe, I just want to know the recipe not the why of how it works, but it is a very interesting show. His Romancing the Bird episode is great for making your Thanksgiving turkey. Everything he cooks is really good eats!

Crank up Sweet Home Alabama, pour yourself some sweet tea and you will be ready for Paula Deen. Watching her show is like getting a cooking lesson from your Grandma, only way more fun. Her manner and style are just great (she reminds me of my neighbor Renee, whom I love!) Her recipes are not for dieters, they focus on contemporary and traditional southern favorites. I hope I can grow to be half as comfortable in my skin as Paula Deen is in hers. You go girl!
Sandra Lee is growing on both my husband and me. She is like a working woman's Martha Stewart , without the prison record. Semi-Homemade shows you how to make a great occasion using shortcuts (mixes, etc.) that make it easier to do something fabulous given most of us don't have unlimited time and money. Her meals always feature a "tablescape" in keeping with her theme. A woman after my own heart, Sandra always includes a great cocktail with her menu.. and God knows in our busy world we can always use a great cocktail recipe.
Check out the "foodies" and find your own favorites!