I know that my last post was full of great ideas to make Oscar night into an occasion for your family (and friends), but when all was said and done, while we had a great Oscar night spread, we ended up watching Joan and Melissa in our jammies with rain pouring and lightning and thunder. We had gone to Mass on Saturday evening, and so there was no reason to jump out of bed on Sunday morning (other than blog-strolling and blogging!). Our second oldest daughter Katie had left for a two-month rotation in Washington DC (Hi, Katie if you're reading!), and so we were left with what Bridget and my husband call the "Core Four"- just us and the two remaining kids living at home (When Katie is home Bridget calls her Remainder 1). SUnday was overcast and dreary, and so we hunkered down. This kind of day is few and far between- between work, trying to catch up on the weekends with laundry, friends, shopping, church, projects, etc.-there is so little time to just stop and enjoy the people you love.
So what did I do on Oscar Sunday? I made a new breakfast sandwich based on Bridget's messy breakfast sandwich (posted on My Kids Cook- we were out of eggs, so had to use scrambled egg-beaters instead), did five loads of laundry, tried to make a dent in the tens of boxes and bags Katie had brought when she moved in only a short two weeks ago, I played computer games with my girls (I am hopeless unless it is a spelling or word game), posted on my blog and went surfing to find some new blogs, made a lunch of loaded upchili dogs, let Bridget give me a make-over, cooked my Oscar buffet, vacuumed the downstairs and defrosted a goat (yes, goat) shoulder roast for Monday dinner, enjoyed Joan and Melissa's commentary (even my husband watched for a little while before retreating to the testosterone zone/garage) as the stars arrived while eating our own Oscar dishes and gave our own commentary... actually, when you write this down, it doesn't sound that lazy!
But I guess the pace was leisurely, and I enjoyed it so much. The smell of fabric softener and the sound of my Dyson, the girls giggling and rough-housing , the crackle of sweet potato pancakes in the pan, and the taste of cool sour cream and caviar (the economical orange kind) on top of the warm pancakes... these are the sights, sounds and smells making up my Oscar Sunday. There

was no rustle of silk, or applause or paparazzi flashes (though I did have to put up with Bridget taking my post-makeover picture with her camera-phone) in my Sunday. No great designer called to ask me to wear his dress and Harry Winston didn't send me jewels to borrow. I didn't rub elbows with Tom Cruise or Helen Mirren or Al Gore, and Joan Rivers didn't flag me down to ask who I was wearing. But I had a great seat on the couch between two beautiful young women, I heard the music of their laughter, and the flash of their smiles. And the winner is... ME!