First, here are my tips for a successful Thanksgiving:
1) Plan- it is the one way to make sure that you don't have to run out on Thanksgiving day to find cream or butter or canned pumpkin at the corner 7-11. And don't just do this in your head- write it down!
2)Prep- This is something that professional chefs do all the time and can really be a big help when preparing a big meal. I always chop my onions and celery for the stuffing a day or two ahead, bag in a ziploc and put in the freezer so I am not chopping at 7 AM. Make your fresh cranberry sauce, and your pies the day ahead. Another important thing to me is to clean out my fridges and freezer so that ingredients are easy to find and so there is room for the mountains of leftovers.
3) Don't stress- There is so much pressure around Thanksgiving, sometimes because of the expectations of others, but most often because of the pressure we put on ourselves. Don't try to make a whole Cordon Bleu meal when you have in-laws and cousins coming. Incorporate family favorites and pick one or two new dishes to stretch your culinary muscles (for me this year it is angel biscuits, a ginger-pumpkin cheesecake, and fresh brussels sprouts with chestnuts) Remember that tradition is very important at Thanksgiving, and people gravitate toward the foods that they remember from their childhood, so make those dishes prominent in your menu.

I hope to post at least once more before Thanksgiving, but I will be following my own advice and realizing that I can't do everything, so in case I don't get back to you before Thursday, my Thanksgiving wish for all of you is a day full of great food, and the people you love to enjoy it with!
I guess 'cause that's who we are ;-)
Relax, and enjoy a great Thanksgiving!
I hope you had a wonderful day, my dear.
Ohiomom-You are so right!
Shauna- That is my favorite too, though easier said than done. And yes , it was a wonderful day with all my children but one around the table. We're hoping for a full house at Christmas!