So when I got the invitation, I did a little research about Certified Angus Beef and I learned a lot. While I know the basics about beef, how it is graded and what to look for in a good piece of beef, I really didn't know what was special about Certified Angus Beef. Particularly today, when consumers are looking for meat that is not only delicious but healthy, I was pleased to find out that Certifie
d Angus Beef offers a line of Natural beef . They use a "never, never, never" (clever, huh?) policy, where animals are never given hormones other growth enhancers, never given antibiotics, and never given anything other than natural foods and forage. You can check out their site for more information, and some great recipes. And if you are in the Hampton Roads area or its surrounds, check out the contest rules at http://www.dailypress.com/features/dp-%20now_beefcontestmar14,0,1009724.storyand brush off your best beef recipes. Who knows? Maybe I will get to taste one of your recipes!

Shelley- I hope to taste a dish from Dave! Think of all the fun practicing/creating in that fabulous new kitchen!