I want to apologize for not being as prolific since I came back from the beach. No, it is not because I don't have tons of new ideas and great recipes to share. In fact, I came back with a slew of ideas and pictures just waiting for a post. However, my Toshiba laptop, which had not even made it to its second birthday has a fried motherboard, and after multiple attempts to get some type of customer service (4 emails to customer service returned without response, 2 phone calls that offered only the alternative of a $400 repair(+shipping)), I have to shop for a new computer. Needless to say I am not very happy since this is an unexpected expense, but with Katie taking her laptop when she moves to DC next week, I will be handicapped without one.
I am researching and want a laptop with staying power (not something that ends up being

essentially a "disposable" laptop), so if any of you have suggestions, please share. I have researched Consumer Reports, PC Magazine and have looked at any recent article on customer satisfaction surveys for laptop computers. I have gotten recommendations for a Gateway (which I am currently leaning toward), a Dell Inspiron, and a Sony Vaio. I am particularly interested if you have had good experiences with customer service and support since that was non-existent with my Toshiba, so let me know what you think- I will be buying in the next week since I feel cripppled without my own laptop!
Lydia- Iwould love to have a Mac, but my budget doesn't allow!
Now, I'm going ot go back and pretend I'm on that lovely beach....
I hope you find a computer that you are happy with soon, and I look forward to hearing about your latest kitchen happenings!
I hope you find a computer that you are happy with soon, and I look forward to hearing about your latest kitchen happenings!
i've heard good things about the lenovo.
Good luck in your search, hope it goes swiftly and turns out well!