Several years ago in our office, we had a young administrator, Carl. Carl was obsessed with his looks, working out, worrying about the slightest appearance of crow's feet, though he was a very nice-looking and very fit young man. In an office of predominantly women, most of whom were married and had kids, we lived vicariously through Carl's adventures as a single guy. He took to working out at a fitness center near the Lab during lunch. One day he came back from his lunchtime workout late and obviously flustered. When we asked him if something was wrong,he recounted that something terrible had happened to him at the gym. He said when he was finished on the treadmill, he had gotten off and moved onto the next piece of equipment. As he headed into the showers, he heard a lot of commotion, and ran to the equipment room to see someone sprawled on the side of the treadmill he had

A couple of days later, our PR manager was meeting with a marketing consultant we had been working with. I was sitting in my office, and Carl came in a panic asking if he could stay there. I wasn't sure what he was so upset about so I walked out into the hallway. There was our PR manager coming down the hall with the consultant...his eyes were both blackened and he had a splint on his nose. I went up, saying, "Oh my God, what in the world happened?"He answered, "Some idiot left the treadmill on at the gym and I stepped onto it and fell and broke my nose!"
We have probably burned more calories in our office laughing about this story than Carl did in his original workout and needless to say Carl never lived this down!
BTW, my library has just purchased a Wii system to be used for Teen sessions, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind a parent joining in. It is may-juh fun!
BTW, I'm on my way to the Yorktown Farmer's Market, perhaps I'll see you there!
Nuria- It certainly wasn't healthy for the consultant!
Sharon-Seriously, Carl has not worked with us for almost 10 years and we all still remember this story!
Those treadmills are dangerous, apparently. It does *seem* to make sense that you could jump hop right on, though, doesn't it?
I mean, *if* you saw it was running.