Food is one of the most important things for a successful camping trip, and preparation is essential to good meals in the wild. I thought it might be a good idea for those of you who also enjoy camping, or would like to try to share some of what I have learned about cooking and camping, what equipment you need and some of our favorite dishes and ways to convert dishes to a campstove or campfire.
Let's start with equipment you need if you are planning to cook more than trail mix and freeze-dried meals or hot dogs on a stick (Which can be good too!)

1) Campstove- We use a propane stove by Coleman with two burners and electronic ignition that is now about 13 years old. It works well, is easy to carry and provides enough space to make a meal for a crowd. Some people, including some of our friends use liquid fuel stoves which do provide higher BTUs if you are a heavy duty camp chef, but I have never been fond of the idea of carrying liquid f

2) Cast iron griddle- Essential for making breakfasts of bacon and pancakes that are must for cool

3) Camp percolator- No instant coffee for us- we love the real thing and it tastes twice as good in the wild. Ours is the old granite wear and about as old as our stove!
4) Silicon or other heat-proof oven mitts- These are essential when camping since often handles get hotter than they might on your home stove. Burned ands are no fun, especially in the wild.
5) Long-handled lighter- This is great for lighting your stove or the campfire.
6) Heavy pots and pans (without non-stick coating)- Some of our friends carry their Le Creuset, but I don't have any, so I have to settle for a large cast-iron skillet which is a great all-purpose pan for camp cooking, and a set of Eddie Bauer camp pans that nest together.
7) Cutting board- I love these new flat flexible ones that I bought for my kitchen and I carry one along.
Next Installment: Extras that make camp cooking (and eating) better
I just wanted to let you know that Adopt a Blogger matches are up on my blog.
Thanks for participating :)
That's great gear - and I'd love to spend some time in the mountains again... Have fun!
Passionate eater- I am not sure how people camped without Ziploc!
Kristen - Thanks I am really excited!
Katiez- We are heading up again in October. Email me if you want to meet there!
looks like fun
Our camping goods are pretty similar, we used to bring the Le Creuset but we decided that it was not worth trashing so got us a cost effective cast iron Dutch oven dedicated for camping – whopping $9.95 at the hardware store As a matter of fact, 95% of our gear is now dedicated for camping; we keep all of it in couple big plastic tubs and store it in the garage. It's much easier to get in-and-out of town. It has made camping that much more fun as it takes significantly less time to pack. This year, we welcomed Coleman’s Fold N Go, a little red fold-up propane stove. It saves us lot of space compared to the big old stove we used to lug around.
But my most prized camping gear is the stainless steel French press that I found at REI. I thought it was lot of money but I must admit, with all the woo’s and the wow’s I get from the coffee brewed, I think I have more than got my monies worth. Plus I hate that instant stuff....
Whats your favorite camping meal?