1) Do your laundry- If you end up with no power and lots of cleanup in the aftermath of the storm, you will be glad to have clean towels and underwear. We were lucky after Isabel that a friend offered to help by taking our laundry to her house which had power and washing it for us, but that was a very special friend, and I wouldn't count on that from just anyone.

2) Wash your dishes- Without power, you don't want to be stuck with a lot of dirty dishes that you then will have to wash by hand.

Are there other suggestions you have for helping to shelter in place without losing your mind?
experience, we take special care in preparing! Great suggestions- it has been awhile since I had to worry about diapers, but prescription meds are important to have inhouse.
Red Eyes of Fire- So far it looks like we will mainly have lots of rain and some tropical storm force gusts.