Since I started blogging, now almost two years ago, foodblogging has exploded as a medium for chefs and home cooks alike, giving a voice to those who love food in all its forms from Boise to Boston, from Manila to Marseille, from Dehli to Dusseldorf.
The food blogging trend started in the big cities that are full of unique and diverse food experiences, but soon, family cooks in small towns around the world found that blogging gave them a way to capture their own food traditions and to share those experiences and insights with other "foodies" around the world.
And what a rush! I was so excited the first time I got a comment from a reader in Scotland who worked in a lab as well and confirmed that scientists and engineers swarm food at the coffee pot in Scotland too! And being listed on
Epi-Log in the same list with food luminaries like
man- I still have to check periodically to make sure that is real. I now have foodblogging friends all over the world. I share not only in their recipes but in their
lives. I know
who has had a baby, and who has lost a loved one,
which one knits hats and booties for preemies, and which one has moved or renovated their kitchen, and
which one is a photographer, which one
makes their own sausage, which one
loves baking and even which ones have turned their
blogs into books!
Foodblogging is like having an extended family in cyberspace.
Which brings me to
Julie and Julia, which is causing a stir across the food blogosphere. Julie Powell's story,on the surface is a food blogger's dream - t

o have a blog that turns into a book and then a movie is amazing validation of what began as a labor of love, not to mention financially desirable. But it is Julie's personal journey that parallels what many of us "invisible" bloggers enjoy and endure every day. We have full-time jobs, families, responsibilities,but find that making time to cook and to share that with others is rejuvenating, rewarding. We get up at 5:30 AM or stay up with a Coke or coffee after the family is asleep to post our latest dish or visit our "regular" sites. We can't eat a dish without snapping a picture whether it is with a cell phone or a camera, to the consternation of our family and guests. We spend hours when we could be
reading the latest hot novel or relaxing poolside searching for the perfect bread recipe, or the best pimenton, or a tip for poaching eggs.
Many foodbloggers I follow have been lucky enough to turn their blogs into books, and I celebrate that with them, and I am truly in awe of Julie Powell's journey to the big scree

n ("I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!)
But other than the few bucks I make from the hits on my blog or the free sample I get to review now and again, my blog will likely never make me money. However, I have made lifelong friends, I have captured the foods and experiences that make up my life and my children's memories so that long after I am gone they can recreate Grandma Dowd's Sausage stuffing, or my "Fricken Chicken", and remember and share the story behind each of those dishes. I have learned about foods from around the world, the struggles and triumphs of farmers and bakers and waiters, all who share a common love of food. So, like many of you, as I wait to see Julie and Julia, I know that even if my blog doesn't make me a dollar, every day it still makes me very, very rich.