So if you had told me that there could be a simple appetizer that you would be proud to serve at a cocktail party, I am not sure I would have believed it, yet my daughter Bridget made me a believer. These little morsels use the chip as the canvas for a topping of lime-laced sour cream, smoked salmon and chives. Amazing! Bridget threw these together as a snack at the beach and they were an instant hit (see the empty space on. Give them a try yourself - you won't be sorry. And I am throwing in the Dowd family recipe for the chip dip that is part of any casual Dowd gathering.
Bridget's Highbrow Potato Chip Appetizers
20-30 potato chips (ripple or kettle chips work best)
1 cup light sour cream
1 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp chopped fresh chives
2 ounces smoked salmon, chopped
Mix the lime juice with the sour cream. Put a dollop on each chip and top with smoked salmon and sprinkle chives on top. Serve and get out of the way!!
Dowd Family Famous Chip Dip
8 oz cream or neufchatel cheese
garlic salt
Worcestershire sauce
2-3 tablespoons milk
Soften cream cheese and stir in worcestershire sauce and milk to achieve creamy consistency. Add garlic salt to taste.
Emily - I think chips and dip are as American as apple pie, and it seems everyone has their favorite!
Reiko - I am not a big chip eater either, but I make an exception for these!
Kristen - I know what you mean- Bridget is really creative that way!
Asia Correspondent - You are so right until you get on the scale!
Susan - It's always good to mix it up!
Those chips with the salmon look fantastic!!
PS: Thanks for the Duke's mayo pointer!!