My husband and I at The Crab Shack in Newport News |
Did you think I was gone? That I abandoned the internet? That I stopped cooking for my family and succumbed to daily fast and processed foods? Or that I abandoned Play with Food and the concept that started me writing in the first place? Well, none of these is true. I am not sure myself what happened but after
Project Food Blog, preparing for my son's wedding and hosting the rehearsal dinner, and general pressures of work and home, I was in a bit of a blog funk. I needed to take a break, get away, and rediscover the fun and passion that made me start this blog in the first place.
So I took some time, focused on my family and my jobs, all the while still cooking and experimenting, trying to create food and fun that would lure family and friends away from the hustle and bustle of modern life, electronics and cyberspace to spend time and break bread together.
I think this was Take 75- Clearly I am not top model material |
With the beginning of the year, like many of you I made, not resolutions, but commitments to myself for the coming year. I want to be kinder to my body- eat better, take vitamins and supplements as prescribed regularly, exercise more, relax more. I want to reach out more- to family and friends, and to others in need to my community. And I want to rekindle my love for food, blogging and connect with others who enjoy sharing food experiences with others.
Family- Toughest critics you'll ever love!! |
What does this mean for Play with Food? That I will be posting- perhaps shorter pieces, but on a more regular basis. That you will see me visiting your blogs, commenting and trying your recipes and getting inspiration from you. I will be using my Play with Food Facebook page to share quick tips, advice and impressions. I am going to improve my photography and use more video on my blog to change it up, make it more interesting and fun - and not just for you, but for me!
So I hope that my old friends will return to my cyber-kitchen table and that new friends will discover that cooking is not a chore, but a creative outlet and one that can nourish not only your body, but your soul. Happy New Year, and don't be a stranger!
I recently started blogging about my love for food and looking at bloggers of food too. I completely identif with you and with you passion. You have inspired me. Thank You. -Tiyan.